Born in 1889, she was an interior decorator from new york, usa. Dorothy draper was very anti minimalism and she loved to use bright colours as well as large prints, which have made their way into the mainstream once again now. These prints would go over the whole walls, which again transforms it to no end. As well as this she loved black and white tiles on the floor, and rococo scrolling, baroque plasterwork. Some would say she invented and pioneered the Hollywood regency style of design.
Dorothy draper Furniture
You will find the finest hand crafted furniture from Dorothy draper, you can find 1900s style chairs and settles. In addition to this, you can even find original pieces of furniture that are from Dorothy draper, for instance this espana chest in neo mint.
Dorothy draper Style chest
Original draper chests are hard to find, let alone how expensive they are! So naturally you might want to find an alternative. You can get these style chests that are similar , and then you can decorate them to that style. I have seen people do this with ikea chests.

Dorothy draper Greenbrier
Greenbriar is world renowned as one of the most grand resorts in america, in addition to this it has the typical american decor which is lavish, and bold. For this too, we can thank dorothy draper. Her influential style has inspired not only a generation but a nation.
Dorothy draper Espana
If you want an espana chest they are in demand and expensive, as previously stated, yuio can try and make them or something similar from ikea .
Dorothy draper Brazilliance
Now you have probably seen this leafy design on wallpaper near you but where did it come from? You guessed it, this vibrant design comes from Dorothy draper who loved bright colours and full designs. Dorothy draper Brazilliance wallpaper is amazingly vibrant, saturated and most importantly fun.
Dorothy draper Quotes
“if it looks right, it is right” this is great because it really shows Dorothy’s mantra when it came to creating new things and experimenting. Sometimes when it feels like the rules are written out you just have to feel it out and experiment with design. Which is just what she did.
Dorothy draper Work
Some of her works include; the Carlyle Hotel on Madison Avenue. She was prominent around many areas of Manhattan at this time. Draper designed Sutton Place, Hampshire House and Essex House, both hotels on Central Park South; Sherry’s Restaurant, Coty Cosmetics Salon. She also designed the Fairmont Hotel, the San Francisco; the Arrowhead Springs, San Bernardino; the Drake Hotel’s Camelia House, Chicago; and the Greenbrier Hotel in White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia. She also designed the Roman Court dining room at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, which people now call the “the Dorotheum.”

Dorothy draper Rendered perspective drawing
Dorothy draper Hampshire house
Just another example of this exquisite style is Hampshire House, with its checkerboard floors as well as bright colours. She hated boring pastels and neutrals. She stated this as having ‘the will to be dreary’ so these bright colours schemes shone through, which we love!
Dorothy draper Design style
She is known to have championed and some even cite that she invented modern baroque design. Dorothy Catherine draper loved neo baroque style flooring, colours such as monochrome as well as plaster. As with a lot of Dorothy draper Interiors, people became accustomed to her twist on classic furniture and design, this combined with designed pieces of furniture made her something different and set her apart from people that were playing it safe at the time.
One could say she influenced designers like albert hadley and david nightingale hicks.
Dorothy draper Book
She penned two books one – ‘decorating is fun!’ and the other ‘entertaining is fun!’ both sold incredibly well and put her up there with true innovators of interior design, but what is more, including women in the discussion and letting them have a voice when it came to interior design decisions in the home.

Dorothy draper Style
DD was never restricted by cautiousness from her clients, she would seek out spaces that she could have free reign on, which were often overlooked by more corp[orate designers such as hotel lobbies, and restaurants. This gained her fame and popularity, and eventually as we know now, they are the spaces that people are fighting to design for in this day and age!